Wisdom 3–6: Good News, Bad News

In this week’s installment of “Bad” Books of the Bible, we cover two passages in two episodes, Wisdom 3–4 and 5–6. The first contrasts the Just and Unjust and their respective fates. Along the way, we explore what’s sometimes called two-ways theology. We also ride one of Joel’s hobbyhorses for a moment: the bookishness of the Bible and why it matters. You can listen to that here:
The second episode features a speech of the Unjust and looks at the divine reward of the Just. It also explores how God weaponizes creation against those who persecute the Just. Given what’s on the line, the author urges us to reconsider Wisdom, shifting into first person for a speech by Solomon himself. Listen:
Along with our conversation, you can listen to Fr. Alexis Kouri read Wisdom 3–4 here:
And Wisdom 5–6 here:
As always, you can also listen to the show at:
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